Houses Still For Sale In Your Neighbourhood

Do you ever wonder about the houses “For Sale” in your neighbourhood that just don’t seem to be selling? You wonder what is wrong with those houses because other houses in the area have sold within a few weeks and yet there is one or two that still have a “For Sale” sign on the lawn?

Believe it or not, the answer is very simple, even though you could have the best stager in the business, the most beautiful curb appeal and the best brochures on the block – if your asking price is too high it all doesn’t matter!

One of the most important elements to remember when selling your home is pricing it right for the market and the only way to do that, is by consulting an experienced real estate professional. When you work with an experienced real estate professional, they will do a thorough analysis of what similar homes sold for recently in the area. The analysis serves as your blueprint in order to effectively price your home for sale and is really the best indicator of what buyers are actually paying for homes. You’ve heard about market value before and the buyers that are paying for houses that have sold in the neighbourhood are determining market value for your home. Want to find out what your home’s asking price should be? Call or e-mail me today.

Thanks to the current demand for quality real estate opportunities, I get to speak to and assist many people at this time of year. Assisting people is my specialty and is the most gratifying part of my work! I count myself lucky because I enjoy heartfelt “thanks” from  clients and am humbled by your loyal support through referrals.

If there is something I can do for you, your friends or family, please don’t hesitate to call. Should you or someone you know ever need assistance or a fast answer to an important real estate question, you can always count on me to respond quickly,
Lois Marie